A Q&A with Andy
Andrew Swartfigure joined Positive Support Group in July 2023 as Relationships Director. He has been nominated for our Staff Spotlight. So, to get to know him a bit better, we asked him the following questions:
Q: How did you get to become a Relationships Director and what brought you to PBSC?
A: I’ve spent most of my career building relationships and working with interdisciplinary teams. Part of this work has meant recognising where other people are coming from, their motivation and then how to achieve the vision of a strategy or person-centred outcomes. In more recent years this has also meant working alongside commissioners to deliver provision in their local authority. Becoming a Relationships Director is a product of all of this combined with sector knowledge and voila!
Q: Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-size duck?
A: Ducks are a good-sized bird so 100 of them sounds overwhelming! I’m going for a 1 horse- size duck and my weapon of choice would be a very large loaf of stale bread by the river. I think the duck would be distracted long enough to get away!
Q: What would be your ideal holiday or travel destination if money and time were no object?
A: If money and time were no object; I think travelling the world would be my ideal scenario. I did this for a year in the early 2000s and saw so many amazing places. My base would be South-East Asia, probably Thailand although, seeing as money is no issue, I would have a place in every major city in the world! How ridiculous!
Q: Which would you prefer to have as your roommate and why? A goat or a bird.
A: Ha, ha! This is an impossible question. I have two dogs, so I don’t mind the idea of the goat, but then again, goats eat everything! I don’t like the idea of a bird being couped up in a house. So, if I have to live with one of these I’ll go for a goat, but I could always say bird and let it fly away!
Q: What’s your favourite thing about Positive Support Group, so far?
A: Honestly, it’s the diversity of the services we offer, the quality of the services we offer and the calibre of the people in our company (I’ve named three things). I have not been here very long, but I can see how dedicated the clinical team are to great outcomes for our clients.